blessing in disguise/okay, i spent hours on sunday to rush my stupid PI and only managed to turn in at 3am. yes 3hours of sleep. but who knows, i lost my stupid PI during GP which is the firsdt lesson. I was really freaking out and worried. Well, I carried hope that she will allow me to hand it in the very next day but i was TOTALLY WRONG! I had to produce on and hand it in on that very day, like what the hell?!
I thought it will be very useless if i do based on my own memory so i decided to call my dad to bring my laptop down for me. I know I'm evil and stuff, but there isn't much choice left. So yes, I managed to hand in my PI on time.
Surprisingly, I think it's on Wednesday or Thursday, my GP teacher approached me and gave me my PI and this outline for my SLC project. the funny thing is he marked my PI, and even the outline! It was hilarious! MARKED THAT OUTLINE - giving comments like please come up with your own idea blah blah..
Yes, on that day i got back my the other PI that i handed in to my PI teacher. both PI were marked very differently. of course the piece marked by my GP teacher was so much better... ...
The whole class was practically complaining about her attitude and stuff. Then, on friday we receieved news that we are going to change our PI teacher :D hopefully he's better, he seems better anyway :D
Studying at Benjamin and Bernice's house/okay, so we have decided to study together since i don't get my lectures and was facing great problems. And so Benjamin offered help. I admit, it wasn't as productive because I was quite tired alrdy. But it was quite fun. While Benjamin was tutoring me, Bernice will be making funny faces and laughing while studying! It was quite alright as I managed to unstd alittle more of Chem and Phy (: thanks Benjamin(:
oh, their house is big and nice. Their fishes are... great athletes! According to Benjamin, normal days when the fishes swim normally, it's PE. however, when they make big splashes, they are having sports day, LIKE HAHAAHAHHAHAHAAAA?!
oh, their mom is cute and nice(: ha, thanks for the dinner! :D
weekend/I screwed it. I wasted it by sleeping and sleeping ): oh wells. I'm just such a slacker.