it's been really ages since i've wanted to blog. i'm still quite relunctant though. Crazy has become Lazy (:
i'm not gonna blog every little details about orientation, not like anyone is VERY SUPER interested. adding on, it's great to hear everyone enjoying your own OG, so am I, they're a bunch of COOL and AWESOME people!
Initially coming Nanyang wasn't my choice at all, it was just for fun that i appeal online and yes they accepted me. well, didn't carry much hope for fun when i stepped into the school.
however, i was totally wrong. my OG friends and OGLs - TOTALLY ROCK. we cheered as a team, we played as a team, we did everything together and gave our best! HESTIA OG 15 ROCKS! i was fascinated by the cheers and mass dances though, it was fun. i was the guy and xuan2 was the girl. we were selected to represent our OG. and it was damn funny, we didn't exactly remember the steps, and we just sway here and there! total embarrassment! nevertheless, it's fun.
we went to Sentosa on the 2nd day of orientation. run alot alot but still fun, not much comments on that, just a game day. had OG dinner after that at Vivocity. reached home at 9pm.
last day we had water games and DISCO NIGHT. We danced for half an hour, and i was sweating like hell, like raining. LOL! GREAT ORIENTATION. got extra stories but i can't share here, want to know, ask me personally (:
LESSONS WAS HORRIBLE LAH, introduction damn boring and next week it's into seminar class, NO ONE FROM MY OG IS WITH ME ): anyway i become the OG rep, doing really alot of things.. COOL!! never had so much tasks to be done.
today was super funny. we had some assembly program: projectwork on The World in 2018. at first we had to draw out what we think it will happen. and of course, i drew stupid things like failed cloning which ended up to a 2headed chicken like dino, stairs to moon. robot and a man and their hald robot half human child, not forgetting tombstone (: and mine was chosen! stupid, got to present, and dont know why the students keep laughing, very funny meh?
in the afternoon there's CCA bazarre. i played 4matches of netball. decided to try netball and not dance. drama if possible too, since volleyball doesnt work out for me, so does dragonboat, HOW SAD!
okay, i'm done lah.
should I join SA or stay in NY if my results are good enough?